Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012


Pondok Pesantren carries out the main function as a education institution. This function has two mission; first, as people education to educate and prepare the young Islamic people become quality people (khaira ummah), implementor of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar’s mission and become good generation. Second, as a education institution framework of clergies, agent of exellence, and developing knowledge especially religious education. In this case, the pesantren’s main function is educating and preparing clergies cadres who inherit the authoritarian of Nabi Muhammad. Beside that, pesantren also demanded for recovery the image and the function of religious institution as central knowledge developing.
Now days, a thousand of “Pondok Pesantren” spread out in Indonesia, generally can be classified into two main points systems; Traditional Pesantren (salafiyah) and Modern Pesantren. The characteristics of Traditional pesantren based on consistence in applies the pure education system and free from formality of teaching (classroom based) even education strata and diploma. This model inclined focus on religious and theology teaching process. Whereas, the Modern Pesantren tries to combine traditional education and modern education, formal classical system of learning (teaching based classroom) and cohesive curriculum adopted through particular adaptation. Dichotomy of religious education and general knowledge is eliminating also. Both of disciplines are taught, even in religious education more dominant. In Arabic, system of Modern Pesantren named Mu’allimin system.
Indonesia is a nation that has multiethnic, multi religion and multi culture which is more than other countries. These complexities are social strength and a valuable different which synergy and corporation each other to develop the nation. However, these complexities will produce violence and conflict also if will not be managing and be constructing well. The accidents of Ambon and Poso, for example, were horizontal conflicts and violence’s example that spent not only many victims of human and much financial but also sacrificing the harmonies of Indonesian people. So that, discourse of multiculturalism implementation finds the available place and education is one of the important things.
Bali bomb’s accident was the beginning accusation of pesantren as terrorists porous who legitimating the violence action based on religion’s name. People of pesantren claimed as exclusives, out of date, rigid, and intolerance people. This prejudice becomes popular since the arrested of Imam Samudera and Amrozi cs, as a bombers or terrorists. Ironically, they were alumnus of Pesantren and that prejudice was appropriate if deliver to these institutions (Pondok Pesantren). Islamic phobia spread out and pesantren and alumnus of Pesantren also underestimate.
Pondok Pesantren has big responsibility and takes a significant role to developing the Islamic education based multicultural. It’s because “Pondok Pesantren” is a basic education institution which produce many religionist and intellectual Muslims that have relationship with the common people emotionally and culturally. For that reason, alumnus of Pondok Pesantren become very strategic in their role to build up Islamic education based multicultural, to clarify and shows the world that Islam isn’t as the public judged.

Produce the high student’s characters, tolerance, humanist, smart (in Spiritual, Intellectual and Emotional), discipline, competitive students, and responsibility; increase the brotherhood in Islamic (Ukhuwah Islamiyah).

·    To develop a Muslim generation capable of analytical and critical thinking who become Muslims by conviction and who will strive to fulfill their role as Allah's servant on earth.
·         To develop strong and highly-educated Muslim persons for whom Islam is a complete way of life. This is achieved by developing a balanced and wholesome Islamic personality whereby one's behavior and attitude are guided through training of the spirit, intellect and emotion as well as developing a sound and healthy body.
·         Make students understand the differences each other and respect the differences in their daily life.
·         Foster a safe, respectful, productive environment where people are valued and supported
·         Encourage personal and social responsibility by expecting honesty, integrity and hard work
·         Challenge students through rigorous and relevant learning experiences with measurable results.

The education of Pondok Pesantren refers to the Islamic knowledge transmission, Islamic tradition maintenance, clergies’ reproduction and also refers to become alternative for people centered development, value oriented development, institution development and self reliance and sustainability. Then compose the good emotional relationship between teachers (Kiyai/ustadz) with the students (Santri) both physically and spiritually.

-          In success for all students that they will become a true Muslims (kaffah)
-          In trust and respect for others (tolerance)
-          In the development of life-long learners (long life education)
-          In a rigorous education that is accessible for all students
-          In providing motivating challenges that inspire excellence in all our students
-          In providing a safe and stable learning environment
-          In having high expectations for all students 

There are several foundations in building this boarding school (Pondok Pesantren) based on goal stated in the vision and mission above. The foundations include theory of education, philosophy, religion, psychology, law, social culture, and economics. The foundations are elaborated in the following steps:

There are four basic theories in education generally are; naturalism, humanism, constructivism and behaviorism. These four theories will be implemented as the basic theories in this school, because these four principles are needed to develop and construct the Teaching-Learning Process. All theories elaborated above;
a. Naturalism
Naturalism is a concept that firmly believes that ultimate reality lies in the nature of the matter. Matter is considered to be supreme and mind is the functioning of the brain that is made up of matter. The whole universe is governed by laws of nature and they are changeable. It’s through our sense that we are able to get the real knowledge. The senses works like real gateways of knowledge and exploration is the method that helps in studying nature. The term 'natural' emphasizes that the principles behind the naturalism believed to conform to the naturalistic principles in the teaching learning process based on situational and the true habitual of students. The meaning of the name naturalism is strongly implied in the word itself. It is the view point which regards the word of nature as the all in all of reality Naturalism, commonly known as materialism, is a philosophical paradigm whereby everything can be explained in terms of natural causes. Physical matter is the only reality that everything can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena.
b. Humanism
Humanism claims that people have the ability to shape their own destiny, and this is not driven by biological, but instinctive influences. Emphasize the wholeness or completeness of personality, rather than focusing on its structural parts. Emphasis on personal responsibility and free will – everybody is responsible for what happens to them. Also emphasize personal growth and fulfillment– moving towards bigger goals – self-actualizing. Humanism also believed that the most powerful drives are the ones to become fully functioning. To be fully functioning is to achieve “optimal psychological adjustment”, to live in the present, getting the most from each experience. To help students become fully functioning requires that we offer them unconditional positive regard.
c. Constructivism
Argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. During infancy, it is an interaction between their experiences and their reflexes or behavior-patterns. Constructivism beliefs that the very nature of human learning requires that each individual creates his or her own understanding of the world from firsthand experience, action and reflection, not from having predigested information and skills presented by a teacher and a textbook. Exposure to good direct teaching will enable the child to develop a more substantial knowledge base that will bootstrap the child’s thinking process in subsequent situations both in and out of school.
d. Behaviorism
Behaviorism is an approach to psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researched scientifically without recourse to inner mental states. It is a form of materialism, denying any independent significance for mind. Its significance for psychological treatment has been profound, making it one of the pillars of pharmacological therapy. One of the assumptions of behaviorist thought is that free will is illusory, and that all behavior is determined by the environment either through association or reinforcement.

One thing that unreleased of education discourse in Indonesia is Pondok Pesantren. It is the first and the oldest education system model in Indonesia. The existence of Pondok Pesantren inspires the other systems that we are found now days. Pondok Pesantren never been out of date with all of the life’s changes. This reason caused many scientists and experts do many researches about this Islamic education institution. Historically, Pondok Pesantren known in Indonesia since Walisongo’s era. Sunan Ampel built up an Islamic boarding school in Ampel, Surabaya and became education central in Java. Many students came from around Indonesia, even from Gowa and Talo, Sulawesi.
Ampel’s boarding school was primeval of all Pesantrens in Indonesia. Some of the students (santri) adopted the Ampel’s systems of education when they came back into their home. Even the simplicity of Pondok Pesantren was really appearing in infrastructure, method, material, curriculum and the other infrastructures of Pondok Pesantren. Those weaknesses caused by the economical condition of people in that time. Nevertheless, the intimate relationship between teachers (Kyai) and the students (santri) was the special characteristic of Pondok Pesantren, it wasn’t only between teacher and student, but more child and parents. The sincerely of the teachers (kyai) appeared from there was no fee for them, they just taught because of responsibility as a teacher. They did some jobs together with students such as farming and business and used the advantages to paid teaching-learning process equipment.
The curriculum that implemented was religious education, such as; fiqh, nahwu, tauhid, hadits etc. They used Turost Book (Kitab Turost) or well known as “Kitab Kuning” as a references. The dominated curriculum was nahwu and fiqh. It’s because nahwu reputed as the key knowledge of Islam and fiqh viewed as sociological knowledge (human relationship). So that, some experts named the Islamic boarding school as“fiqih orientied” or “nahwu orientied”.
Now days, we can see the Gontor boarding school as the modern Islamic boarding school mode. The modernism of Gontor not only seen in the curriculum that implemented but also in infrastructures and life style. This is appears from the teachers style and the students uniform or customs, they use modern uniform with pants and necktie. The same thing with the infrastructures, it has change into school based IT with luxurious building and fully equipped facilities.
The similar theory was introduced by Jhon Wesley with his Christian boarding school with contains predominantly classical, Christian education by forming their minds, through the help of God, to wisdom and holiness, by instilling the principles of true religion, speculative and practical then training them up in the ancient way, that they might be rational, scriptural Christians’.

The school is open for both male and female students since both have the same right to search for knowledge. The foundation of religion for this school is from Al Qur’an and Al Hadist. They are chosen because the community around the school is Muslim and the sources are rich with education principles to build good character which has been stated in the vision and mission of the school. However, this school is open to any religious believers besides Muslim.
Inside the Holy Qur’an, there is a clear statement of those who have knowledge are appreciated more than those who do not, regardless their sexes. In Surah Mujadilah verse 11, it is written “.....And when you are told, "Arise," then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is acquainted with what you do.” In the verse, people with knowledge are highly appreciated by God. The verse does mention male or female thus it refers to anyone who has knowledge will be raised by God by degrees upon others.
Hadist is Prophet Muhammad words and attitude which are retold by companions. In the hadist, there is an impressive word to encourage people to search for knowledge. As been told by Sunan Abu-Dawood in Hadist no. 1631 (in Islam awareness, 2011), Prophet Muhammad (peace shall be upon him) said:
"If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge. The inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and (even) the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man.”
The hadist above mentions clearly that anyone who search knowledge will be respected not only by God, but also by all inhabitants on the earth and heavens.

The foundations of law for education are stated in:
1. The Constitution 1945 article 31 paragraph 1. It is stated that “all citizen deserves education”. It implies that all people in this country can study anything they want regardless they are capable of the knowledge or not. Thus, the implementation for this constitution in education needs to be carefully arranged by the government so that everyone can contribute their most to the country.
2. Education Law No. 20 year 2003 article 3 states that, " National education develops the ability to function and creates a character as well as the civilization of the nation's dignity in order to educate the nation's life, aiming to the development of potential learners in order to be faithful and righteous man to Almighty God, have good, healthy, knowledgeable and had a glorious, ably, creative, self-sufficient, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable."
3. Education Law No. 20 year 2003 on National Education System article 55, which states that, “The community has the right to organize community-based education in formal and non formal education according to the specificity of religion, social, and cultural environment for the benefit of the community.”
4. Minister Regulation on national education no. 22 year 2008 on Standard Content of Education. The law contains curriculum for public school starting primary until secondary schools (public high school, religious high school, and vocational school).

Students of this school are teenagers who are 15 until 18 years old. They have specific psychological characteristics which are different from children and adult. In this boarding school, male and female live separated and both have own dormitory (Asrama); so, the psychological foundation will be form as the common based of education as well as use in Indonesia. They are:
a. Islamic mental obedience: Students (santri) demanded to have the characters that conducted all of Islamic values, and they have to implement that in their daily life.
b. The Cognitive Domain: The cognitive domain has to do with those school activities which might be otherwise described as intellectual. In this domain are knowledge, comprehension/understanding, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
c. The Affective Domain: The affective domain includes objectives which describe changes in interest, attitudes and values, and the development of appreciations and adequate adjustment. This domain has a pattern of development similar to the cognitive domain
d. The Psychomotor Domain: The psychomotor domain includes physical and motor (or muscular) skills. This means much more than the gaining of skills in games and physical education.

Economics is placed as one key to successful education. This belief also occurs in categorizing qualified educational institution. Some people believe that a qualified institution is measured from the fees being paid by the parents. However, this belief is not always true. Pidarta (2009) reveals that many institutions mostly private can survive under low income. Their survival is because they get support from parents and high dedication and motivation from the students.
As a boarding school, all of students will live together on dormitory (asrama), Asrama Putra for male and Asrama Putri for female. School prepares many facilities to support the teaching-learning process; it will require many employees to serve the students. School prepares also the food 3 times a day, laundry and any other servant that make students more comfortable when they learn. All of this business will help the school to manage the finances more comprehensive and help the school develop the outcomes of school to pay all of operational of the school. As this school is a private one, the budget for conducting education is mostly from the students, donators of the foundation, and also the government. In the long run, it is hoped that the school can give scholarship for low-income-students who study in this school.

This boarding school based multiculturalism, and the core of multiculturalism itself is the willingness of receive the other community become one of them on unity, without considering the different ethnic, gender, language, culture even religion. Multiculturalism gives the confirmation that with all the differences means that they have the same right in the public. Multiculturalism becomes a response of policy toward diversity. In the other words, existence of different communities isn’t enough, but the important thing is the different communities get a fair deal in the public.
The foundation of social culture has been described by Jerome Bruner. He says in The Culture of Education that “culture shapes the mind... it provides us with the toolkit by which we construct not only our worlds but our very conception of ourselves and our powers” (Smith, 2002). Culture is different in every region. Western culture might be does not suitable with Indonesians. Therefore, Umar Khayam in Pidarta (2009) mentions six characters of national culture:
1.      Affective, this includes the attitude of being honest, not hypocritical, heartfelt and sincere.
2.      Democratic political system which builds government by the people and of the people.
3.      Economical system which provides an opportunity to the people for a decent life, creates a vast market to compete, and transmits the proceeds that are evenly distributed.
4.      Education system which enables every citizen to get education and enhances the development of science and technology.
5.      Artistry system which improves the richness of art life
6.      Trusted system which is conducive, tolerant, and peaceful.
Those characters have been included into the new contents inside school based-curriculum that is called character-based education. 

The school profile is as follows.
1.      Name : Modern Islamic School (MA) “Baital Hulmul” Boarding school
2.      Address : In Mataram, NTB
3.      Schooling type : Boarding school
4.      Age of students : 15 – 19 years
5.      Length of study : 3 years
6.      Area of specialty : IPA, IPS and BAHASA

-          Activities of school will start at 4.00 and finish at 22.00
-          Every student has to use English and Arabic as the obligation language in everyday.
Time schedule divided into two parts;
-          Formal education will start at 7 o’clock till 12.15 (based on school curriculum)
-          Informal education (upbringing) started at 13.00 till 22.00

The syllabus and curriculum in the school follow the national curriculum partly and based on Pondok curriculum partly. The subjects and their duration for three years of study are drawing in the table below.
Academic Subject
(Formal Education)
Special Subject
(Islamic subject)
Additional Subject (Informal)
· Bahasa Arab
· Dirasah Islamiyah
· Ilmu keguruan dan psikologi pendidikan
· Bahasa Inggris
· Ilmu Pasti
· Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
· Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
· Keindonesiaan/ Kewarganegaraan.
·Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (SKI)
· Fiqh
· Al-Qur’an Hadits
· Aqidah Akhlak
· English and Arabic subject in evening
· Tadarus every morning after subuh
· Memorizing Hadits and Surah in Al-Qur’an after isya.
· Training of English and Arabic speech in every Sunday.
· Computer class every Friday.

o    English club and Arabic club debate
o    OSIS
o    PMR
o    Music and Art (Nasyid and Nasyidah group singer)
· Those programs are free to be joined by the students with regular schedule. 

  • Masjid /Mushola (Masjid as-Syifa for male students (santriwan) and Masjid ar-Rahmah for female students (santriwati))
  • Auditorium/ meeting room (two units).
  • School building with 2 floors,
    • Asrama putra: 2 floors
    • Asrama putri: 2 floors
    • Asrama guru :16 rooms
  • Sport square
  • Lab Practicum (praktikum IPA)
  • Computer Laboratorium
  • English and Arabic Lab
  • Students cooperation (both santriwan and santriwati)
  • Library
  • Policlinic
  • Canteen (both santriwan and santriwati)
  • Warnet (internet shop)
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